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Random Chat This here board is used for whatever you want. Perhaps to rant, ask opinions on things or simple just chat about interesting things. Discuss some things here that you like, and talk about anything! Staff will post here too, so try to respect there word. Sub-boards: News , Hawkie & Ashie RP, BOBCLAN, Rants |
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ZAWWWW by Rosie Nov 13, 2009 16:03:33 GMT -5 |
Rules These are the Rules. Obey them! Read these before you join, please, and check out what's what in the guild. If there's no certain rule about something you're unsure about, feel free to ask an administrator/owner/guild member. We'll tell you all about these rules and more if you pay attention, and listen to other members! If there are any new rules, you must go and read those too. It's for the better of the site!
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Shit about Kits, Aging and Mates. by Rosie Jul 30, 2009 7:11:28 GMT -5 |
Advertising So, you've got a cool site going? Post a link, picture and more info based on it here. There will be other ads to show you just what to put, and maybe a tutorial on how to get the best advert, so you aren't on your own. Plus, staff will often check through these ads to see if every thing's okay with the site you've put up, and if they like what they see, you could've just earned yourself a few more members. And, with the whole site here to see your ad, you could gain loads more! But, please remember posting your site 30000 times gets slightly annoying.
Sub-boards: Affilates , Random Links |
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Endless Journey by Leafblaze Nov 13, 2009 18:16:12 GMT -5 |
Trekking Off Are you going on holiday, or going away for a while anytime soon? Post why and when here, so we know. Or simply say you won't be playing for a while. Feel free to give extra details. And, when you come back, post in your going away post too and tell us what you did on your vacation or days off. Also post here if you need more time to study, spend with family, or even make a new site of your own. Be sure to reply when you back though, or Rosie and Kira will be forced to set up a funeral.
Moderator: Rosie |
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Speak Up! Here is a place where you can suggest stuff, ask stuff, answer stuff, and whatever. The admins will discuss any idea you may have, along with any member who feel like it. Remember it may or may not be used on our site, depending on what others thing. Mods/Admins, you are not allowed to use your rank on this board to get your way. On this board, your a regular member. Other members, don't feel the need to approve a staffer's idea simply because there a staffer. I will make final decisions based on your choices. Sub-boards: Recommendations , Complaints |
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Welcome New to the site and don't have cat yet? Or just want to have another one? Well, here is where you can post to make your cat. Just follow the forum that is posted inside the board and then start posting away! If you need help, contact a member through PM or PC. You must be accepted. There is a pass in each of the Rules threads, you need those. |
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The Forumz by Rosie Jul 26, 2009 16:21:39 GMT -5 |
Accepted Charries This board is where I shall place you charrie once it is accepted. I should be the only one doing this, and no other people should be accepting and moving charries. Unless I give you permission, don't do it.
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xxLet's see how far we've C O M E[[Love]] by Rosie Nov 13, 2009 11:57:09 GMT -5 |
RP Skewl This is role playing school for all you people who don't post with there full potential. Anyone is allowed to recommend someone to take a class. Please join a class if you make one or two line posts. There will be no making fun of someone if they are in the school simply because there actually TRYING.
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Brush Clearing IvyClan Camp This is a small clearing with grass and many ferns. In this small clearing there are many green plants and bushes, dens here and there. This is Ivyclan, who are the most welcoming in this forest. Strong and healthy cats, they normally sleep under the stars in the open. Younger and weaker cats sleep in the dens, to avoid the dangers outside. The Ivyclan cats are friendly to each other, but hard on intruders. If they need to be. Moderator: Rosie Sub-boards: Entrance, Leader's Den, Medicine Cat's den, Warrior's Den, Apprentice's Den, Elder's Den, Nursery, Camp Center, Ivy Cross |
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Illness and Treatments by Rosie Apr 2, 2010 18:37:56 GMT -5 |
The Silver Stream Deep in Ivyclan territory, a stream flows gently through the territory. It is large enough that no cat can jump it easily. The current is gentle however, a stone path raising out of it. Fish of all sizes swim in this stream, and the area around it is mostly flat, with little bushes and grass near the bank. This is where Ivyclan trains most of it's young cats. There are many herbs for the picking, which are very plentiful in New and Green - Leaf. This spot is a great place to learn hunting, fishing, stalking and so much more.
Moderator: Rosie Sub-boards: Berry Patch, The Stream |
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Charcoal Path In Ivyclan territory; across the river, there are four fallen trees. The trucks are thick and black, many claw marks in them. It used in training, the inside is hollowed out. This makes it a great place to hide. Unfortunately, foxes and badgers are occasionally found inside. Around the fallen trunks there are tall, towering bare trees; burnt nearly half way up. If you follow the dark trees all the way to the border, you'll be pointed in the direction of The Sinkhole, the gathering spot for Leaders and clans.
Moderator: Rosie Sub-boards: The Path, Areas Around The Path |
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Silver Falls In the back of Ivyclan, a waterfall tumbles down. It can faintly be heard from the camp, which breaks the everyday silence. Wrapping around Ivyclan territory, the falls is the source of water for the Silver Stream. For as long as any cat can remember, the river has always flown and rarely flooded. Cats from old times believe the river flooding is a bad omen. Many large fish inhabit this source of water, such as bass trout and salmon in the right season.
Moderator: Rosie Sub-boards: Training Cavern, Orok Virag |
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Riverside Thornclan
Located on the others side of the falls, Thornclan is not as welcoming as there neighbors. There hostility is shown just by looking at the front of there camp, where harsh thorns are ready to meet anyone who dare to enter. Lethal cats with a high jumping ability, unfortunately they lack the quickness of other cats. They are strong and often harsh looking cats, although some are quiet kind and open. Most of these cats sleep in warm dens, simply because they are so close to the river the air is damp and cool. Moderator: Rosie Sub-boards: Entrance, Leader's Den, Medicine Cat's Den, Warrior's Den, Apprentice's Den, Elder's Den , Nursery , Camp Center , The Great Evergreen |
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Illness and Treatments by Rosie Apr 2, 2010 17:51:18 GMT -5 |
Muddy Stream Edging the Thornclan camp is a stream. It flows slowly through the terra, large enough that no cat can jump it easily. The current is slow however, with banks of mud and even some muddy spots where you can jump. Little fish decide to make there home here. This is where Thornclan trains most of it's young cats. There are few herbs near it's muddy bank, but as you move away the increase. This spot is a great place to learn swimming, fishing, stalking and so much more.
Sub-boards: The Stream, The Bank |
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Ragged Cliff In Thornclan territory, a ragged cliff protects it's camp from behind. A large clearing reaches out in front of it where Thornclan Leader usually annouces stuff. The cliff is steep and difficult to climb. to the Thornclanner's however, the cliff is nothing. They find running on moors the hardest.
Moderator: Rosie Sub-boards: Training Hollow, Maroon feild |
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Charcoal Path In Thornclan territory; across the river, more tress are fallen. The trucks are thick and black, Like the ones in Ivyclan. This makes it a great place to hide but like in Ivyclan, foxes and badgers are occasionally found inside. Around the fallen trunks there are tall, towering bare trees; burnt nearly half way up. If you follow the dark trees all the way to the border, you'll be pointed in the direction of The Sinkhole, like the path Ivyclan.
Moderator: Rosie Sub-boards: The Path , Around the Path |
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The Mountain Base Lagoonclan
This is where Lagoonclan cats make there home. The clan is locatd at the base of the mountain, A body of land surronded by freshwater. Sand covers part of the terra, making four legged prey a bit harder to find. Lagoonclanner's have strong legs and great jumping ability, perfect for the water. There coats are shiny and they are excellent swimmers. There plenty of space on the island-like land, making living easy Moderator: Rosie Sub-boards: Entrance , Leader's Den , Nursery , Medi Den , Warriors Den , Apprentice Den, Elders Den , Camp Center , Great Dune |
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Illness and Treatments by Rosie Apr 2, 2010 18:40:11 GMT -5 |
The Grasslands This is the other half of Lagoonclan. In this area, rats and and other four legged animals appear, in small numbers. Sand has been blown around in this area, making small patches here and there. Only a few trees stand in this area. The land is totally flat, making it a good area to hunt down prey. Grass never grows enough to cover our paw, however, which is some Lagoonclanner's want to claim some of the surrounding area.
Moderator: Rosie Sub-boards: The Moors , The Gully , White Sand |
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The Break The Water of Lagoonclan is feed by the stream from the mountains. A shallow sandbank separates this fresh water from the salt water of the sea. The area of water around the camp itself is fairly large, so the break is how cats accesses land. The sandbank is several foxlengths wide.
Moderator: Rosie Sub-boards: The Sandbank & Land , The Freshwater |
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Charcoal Path In Lagoon territory; across the river, there are four fallen trees. The trucks are thick and black, many claw marks in them. It used in training, the inside is hollowed out. This makes it a great place to hide. Unfortunately, foxes and badgers are occasionally found inside. Around the fallen trunks there are tall, towering bare trees; burnt nearly half way up. If you follow the dark trees all the way to the border, you'll be pointed in the direction of The Sinkhole, the gathering spot for clans.
Moderator: Rosie Sub-boards: The Path , Area's Around The Path |
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Star Boulder The star boulder is located in the higher right area of Thornclan, right after where there territory ends. It is hidden snugly at the end of two cliff-like structures. Although many think this is a safe journey, only those who have traveled it know the truth. If it has been rainy it could be flooded. Loners set up camp here on occasion. It is very dangerous indeed. Medicine Cats come here to Speak to Cometclan, and Leaders come here to receive there blessing.
Moderator: Rosie Sub-boards: Medicine Cats, Leaders |
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The Sinkhole The Gathering spot is a sinkhole. It makes no sound, only rotates. It is fueled by the Muddy Stream of Thornclan and the Silver Stream of Ivyclan collides. It has a strong current, but somehow leaves wont fall in it. You can see all the way to the bottom. Around it the ground is hard and flat.
Moderator: Rosie Sub-boards: Gatherings , The Sinkhole |
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Mountain Spring The Mountain Spring is of course, a hot spring. But, only in winter. In the warmer seasons it is a cooling bath for any cat, but in the colder seasons, ancestors say Cometclan blesses it so it is warm. Legend says that is two cats of the opposite gender are to meet, they are destined. No kits or apprentices. Please remember clans do not approve of loner mates! Moderator: Rosie Sub-boards: The Spring , The Caves |
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Loner Turf The Loners that live around the clans are generally happy with the area's they have. Plenty of food and protection comes there way, although there is often evil cats around. Some shady figures live in these lands, any wandering soul should beware.
Moderator: Rosie Sub-boards: The Mountain , The Stream , The Valley , The Barn |
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