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Do you want an area added to the site? A new board or something? Let me know here.

Moderator: Rosie

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Gotta problem? Let meh know.

Moderator: Rosie

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Thread Locked Announcement  
newBookmarkLockedFalling MUST READ BEFORE JOINING
Rosie 0 120 by Rosie
Jul 25, 2009 23:11:11 GMT -5


Thread Announcement Sticky Locked new New Poll Bookmark

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Here is a place where you can suggest stuff, ask stuff, answer stuff, and whatever. The admins will discuss any idea you may have, along with any member who feel like it. Remember it may or may not be used on our site, depending on what others thing.
Mods/Admins, you are not allowed to use your rank on this board to get your way. On this board, your a regular member. Other members, don't feel the need to approve a staffer's idea simply because there a staffer. I will make final decisions based on your choices.

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