Warrior's Den

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Rosie 0 120 by Rosie
Jul 25, 2009 23:11:11 GMT -5


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Warrior's Den
Walking through camp, you decide to go to the Warrior's den to check on newly made warriors. Real warriors sleep outside. You approach the den, pushing through the curtain of overhanging ivy, thorn and soft feathers. The den is warm, with dark walls of stone. Ivy, dirt and moss line and weave through small cracks, blocking out wind and water. You pad on the flooring of soft dirt and moss, to a shaded spot in the back. Here it is coolest, so you decide to sit and rest for a few moments. You cant help but notice the small hole in one part of the roof, where sun flows in. Below this is another hole, lined with rocks. There is a small line of dirt cutting away from it. You know when it rains, water trickles down through the hole in the roof, down the rocks and into the rock lined hole to form a small drinking pool.
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