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The Sandbank & Land

The sandbank. This is the way that elderly cats cross to the dry land. On land there are only few four legged creatures. To find more, you would have to go to the grassland side.

Moderator: Rosie

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The Freshwater

The freshwater side of the bank. Here is where all the fish and crawfish live and thirve. The Lagoonclan cats often travel through these waters, instead of heading over the break. The Freshwater is shallow, so it doesnt contain too many fish.

Moderator: Rosie

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The Break

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Rosie 0 120 by Rosie
Jul 25, 2009 23:11:11 GMT -5


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The Break
The Water of Lagoonclan is feed by the stream from the mountains. A shallow sandbank separates this fresh water from the salt water of the sea. The area of water around the camp itself is fairly large, so the break is how cats accesses land. The sandbank is several foxlengths wide.
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